By Email
Our secure email service has changed. To send a secure email to Montgomery Bank, we, first, ask that you please send an email to our Customer Service department ( requesting that a secure email communication method be setup with you or simply contact our customer service center at 1-800-455-2275 for assistance. Our Customer Service department will send you a secure, encrypted email. As you reply to this email, your response back to Montgomery Bank will be encrypted and secure.
Caution: Normal, unencrypted email should not be considered as a secure method of communication. We ask that you NOT include confidential information including account numbers, passwords, social security numbers, etc., in the emails you send to us. To discuss confidential information, please stop by any Montgomery Bank location or call us at 1-800-455-2275 Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or Saturday 7:30 a.m. to noon (CT). The bank assumes no responsibility for interception of confidential information you send in an unsecured (unencrypted) email message.
If you receive an email from us and are unsure if the sender is legitimate, contact our Customer Service Center. We will periodically send out emails from our email account