Cash Management Services

Designed to save you time and effort and increase cash flow.

Whether you want to speed reconciliation functions, access account information, concentrate cash or earn interest on excess funds, we have what you need to operate more effectively.

Person comparing document with computer screen



Featured Options


Money sweep icon

Sweep Services & Zero Balance Accounts

Earn competitive interest while maintaining access to your funds.

More on These Services

computer on desk icon

eDeposit from your Desktop at Work

Make deposits right from your desk using our check scanner and software.

More on eDeposits

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Online & Mobile Banking

Easily access your accounts anywhere, anytime through our online banking.

More on Online Banking


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Direct Deposit

Save time and money on payroll by using our direct deposit services for your employees.

More on Direct Deposit

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Positive Pay

Let us monitor your business’s payables and verify that all checks are correct.

More on Positive Pay




Additional Cash Management Services 

Serial Sort

Reduce time and effort reconciling your business checking account. With the serial sort service, we sort your checks and return them to you in check number order. And in addition to listing your checks on your statement by date paid, we also list your checks by check number, making it even more simple and convenient for you.

ACH Services

Automate your collection and disbursement process with ACH (Automated Clearing House) processing. ACH processing is an economical and reliable payment method. With our Execubanc and ACH Editor programs, you are able to originate individual ACH transactions or create batch files to electronically deposit or debit payments. You not only reduce check expense, but you also have more control over account management and forecasting cash flow. Because you determine when payments are made and received, you can streamline your payable and receivable operations leaving more time for growing your business.

Fed Wire

When there’s no time to waste. The Fed Wire system is still the quickest, most reliable way to get money to another financial institution in the U.S. or internationally. Request repetitive or non-repetitive wires at any one of our branch locations, or for more convenience, you can also initiate wires through our Execubanc program. Same day availability allows you take advantage of time-critical investments and savings.

Express Check Manager

Did you know that you can receive your monthly bank statements on a CD-ROM? This product gives you the ability to maintain your own historical archive, allowing you to perform your own research, print copies of checks, and more. Ask your Cash Management representative for more details.

Open a Business Account

To open a business account with us, please call 1-800-455-2275 or stop by your nearest Montgomery Bank location.